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Gulab Patel

Full-Stack Developer + Android Dev, NextJs Dev, Web Dev, Designer, and Analyst

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Developing the future of education

Developing a platform to help educators build better manage offline institute

School Management Android App

Develop and design for a School Management app built in Android Kotlin

School Management App multi user

Easy Management System for institute management with admin, student and staff Login

Hi there

I’m Gulab Patel, currently I live in Gujarat-India working as a solo developer of Tufee. My projects include school management System, Student Management, and Fees Management. Being comfortable with school allows me to rapidly prototype and validate experiences.

In my spare time I like to learn new tech stacks and systems. I’m always down for hearing about new projects, so feel free to drop me a line.

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Me standing in front of the Torii on Miyajima, an island off the coast of Hiroshima in Japan